45 Plus Not Grumpy - DISCLAIMER

45 Plus Not Grumpy arranges events, or makes arrangements to join third party events, for the enjoyment of Members and Guests.

All of these events could be arranged by individuals themselves or attended by any individual on their own. However 45 Plus Not Grumpy makes life easy for you by taking the hard work out of the organisation of these events and additionally provides you with the opportunity to meet new people and attend these events in the company of a friendly group of people. However please note that:

Participation in 45 Plus Not Grumpy activities is strictly voluntary and members and guests assume all risks in connection with these activities. Therefore please do not attend any 45 Plus Not Grumpy events unless you agree to the following;

Please also be aware that this disclaimer includes, incorporates and applies, where relevant, the whole of 45 Plus Not Grumpy terms of service agreement which specifically says that members join 45 Plus Not Grumpy days out and attend all events at their own risk and cannot hold 45plusnotgrumpy.com or its organisers and other members liable for damages.