Referral for an elderly individual for telephone companionship

Referral for an elderly individual for telephone companionship

Dear Not Grumpies,

I hope you are managing to thrive during these challenging times.

As a Dementia Care & Wellbeing Consultant, I am frustrated at not being able to visit my elderly clients. Many of them are feeling emotionally as well as physically isolated - even if they living in a care home - and intimated by what's (not) going on around them.

As such, Plan With Care are developing a new model of telephone companionship for our existing Creative Companions - and are wanting to find one or two people we can pilot this with.

Do you know of someone elderly, isolated, living with the beginning stages of dementia, who you think would benefit from (free) regular telephone and/or video calls?

If so I would greatly appreciate your referral, to come to Alise Kirtley at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call 07730 070289

(Please only leave the first name of the person you are referring for confidentiality reasons, then when we chat further we can share more details, as appropriate).

As an aside, for anyone interested in helping out their local care home*:
- singing a song or any 'performance' outside the lounge windows will bring joy and entertainment;
- sending in postcards with stories and questions will help the staff engage with fresh 'material';
- for the more tech-savvy, find out what technology the home has and support the home to be able to provide video calls for their residents with friends and family
*please be sure to call first and talk through your ideas with the staff so you can find a time, day and activity that best supports!

Thank you so much for your help :)

Best wishes,

Event Information

Event Date Tue 28-04-2020 7:00 pm
Event End Date Tue 28-04-2020 9:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free
Created By Anne Galloway
Members Restrictions Open To All Members
Categories DAY EVENTS, Social, Talk

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