Evening on the history of Londons docks with historian TIM 18.30-19.30 Dee Kay

Evening on the history of Londons docks with historian TIM 18.30-19.30 Dee Kay

‘London has always been a great trading city and from the Romans until the 1970s the docks were at the centre of London’s economic life. Tim will trace the rise and fall and rebirth of London’s docklands, taking you on a virtual walk through the area. It’s a great story and an even better walk.

We ask that everyone is logged in to the virtual cafe by 18:35 for a prompt start

At about 19.15, Tim will ask for questions and we will have time to chat with him before the session ends.


Please join as promptly as possible from about 6.25 so Tim can make a prompt start at 6.35. However, latecomers are still welcome


1. Prepare for the event using our Participant Guide: https://bit.ly/ZoomParticipantGuide

2. Once setup, click the link to join: 



3. When you join, you'll be placed in a Waiting Room and will need to wait for the host to admit you.


You can leave whenever you like by clicking "Leave Meeting".

We are asking for donations please, as the money raised will go towards charitable organisations around the pandemic.

Either pay by paypal on the site or if you are having problems,
A SMALL ASK FOR HELP - a cuppa coffee or two! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Dee45plus OR by credit card
Login in www.45plusnotgrumpy.com to pay

Any problems, contact Anne at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you and see you in the cafe!


Event Information

Event Date Tue 02-06-2020 6:30 pm
Event End Date Tue 02-06-2020 7:30 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price £5.00
Created By Anne Galloway
Members Restrictions Open To All Members
Categories DAY EVENTS, Culture, History, Presentation

Please login to register for this event