Swinging 60's Tour

Swinging 60's Tour

Come back in time and spend a couple of hours in the 1960's.
This walk with Barrie is one of the best.....

SOHO - Roots of the swinging sixties
The music, the clubs and the fashion

Your guide, Barrie was a teenager in the early 1960’s - a true post-war baby boomer! Growing up in London during that period was incredibly exciting and he has an infectious passion for this era & time. He remembers those days as if they were yesterday...

Our walk takes you around Soho visiting the important locations that played a big part in the roots of the swinging sixties. We’ll take you to the birthplace of British rock and roll, the street that turned the fashion world on its head and also to the sites of the various influential discotheques and clubs of the day.

We’ll be showing you some evocative and historic photos of the time and you'll hear many anecdotes, some personal to Barrie, about those amazing few years that helped shape the cultural landscape not only of London - but the rest of the world too.

If you are also from that era, memories will come flooding back,
if however, you’re from a younger generation, you'll be fascinated to learn how much of the popular culture of today, can be traced back to that amazing period in London’s history.

Event cost : £10 is cash on the day
any questions or queries contact Barrie
07860 911393 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Information

Event Date Sat 21-03-2020 2:00 pm
Event End Date Sat 21-03-2020 4:20 pm
Capacity 25
Registered 0
Individual Price £10.00
Created By Barrie Greene
Cash Attendees 4
Members Restrictions Open To All Members
Comments How to find us:- In the Churchyard from 1.30 pm short walk from Piccadilly Circus or Leicester Square
Location St Annes Churchyard
Categories DAY EVENTS, Culture, History, Social, Talk, Walk

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