Monday. 27 April, 2020 - Sunday. 03 May, 2020
Week 18
Monday. 27 April, 2020
11:00 am

Wetherspoon's booze walk {Highbury & Islington to Holborn}.

The White Swan


Visit the virtual Not Grumpy Cafe!

During this difficult time, it is extremely important to stay connected. That's why, with More Human's help, we've set up a free, *virtual cafe*!

Grab a cuppa and dial-in to have a casual chat over the phone with other members.

The cafe will be open *3-4pm* this week. If it's popular, we will extend it.


1.*Dial 020 3051 2874* anytime between 3pm and 4pm. You can join whenever you like within the hour.

2. When prompted, enter the meeting ID *958 739 216*, followed by the hash key (*#*), using the number pad on your phone. Follow instructions as a "participant".

3. To leave the cafe, just hang up. You can stay for as long (up to the   full hour) or as little as you like.

Please help isolated non-members

If you know of anyone who is isolating (for whatever reason), or who is normally isolated, please invite them to join us on The 45 Plus Not Grumpy community.

We are here to help.

Tuesday. 28 April, 2020
6:30 pm

Fun History evening on Roman London with historian Tim

Join the virtual cafe and enjoy listening to Historian Tim, who will be talking to us about Roman London

Please be logged in to the virtual cafe by 18:30 for a prompt start.

We are asking for donations please, as the money raised will go towards charitable organisations around the pandemic.

Either pay by paypal on the site please or if you are having problems, A SMALL ASK FOR HELP - a cuppa coffee or two!

Any problems, contact Anne at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you and see you in the cafe!


7:00 pm

Referral for an elderly individual for telephone companionship

Seeking a referral for an elderly person for support

Wednesday. 29 April, 2020
6:30 pm

Travel virtual cafe about Bulgaria with Tina: Wednesday at 6.30 PM

Join Tina in a virtual cafe as she talks about Bulgaria

This is a free event but we do suggest a donation of £5, if possible.
This is not compulsory at all, however we would be most grateful for any amount you can afford as the proceeds will be being donated to Age UK who have acute problems to deal with at the moment.

Thursday. 30 April, 2020
6:30 pm

Discuss your favourite film, book or song with Anne: 6.30 - 7.30pm

Join Anne in the virtual cafe. A time to share your favourite film, song and book. Why? what do they mean to you? We want to hear all about it.

Another free evening of fun and social - but we do suggest a donation if possible. This is not compulsory at all, however we would be most grateful for any amount you can afford as the proceeds will be being donated to Age UK who have acute problems to deal with at the moment.

Friday. 01 May, 2020
6:30 pm

Virtual Wine Bar with Lits – A Taste of Languedoc Lits

Join Lits in the virtual cafe and enjoy hearing and taking a journey exploring the wines of the Languedoc in Southern France.


It is free but we do suggest a donation of £5, if possible.
This is not compulsory at all, however we would be most grateful for any amount you can afford as the proceeds will be being donated to Age UK who have acute problems to deal with at the moment.

Saturday. 02 May, 2020
7:00 pm

Saturday evening Quiz - teams, multiple-choice & all for charity!

Come and Join us for this virtual cafe quiz. Multiple choice.

Sunday. 03 May, 2020
6:30 pm

Virtual Cafe - Travel social evening hosted by John on South Korea 6.30 - 7.30

Join John Coles in the travel virtual cafe tonight. He will talk about South Korea.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? A cup of coffee...

We are hoping to keep these brilliant virtual Cafes/Bar events going as much as we can because we know they have brought some light relief to what is going on externally.
If you can contribute the price of a cup of coffee (or more if you feel you would like to), you can do it here: